MiO Property: Artivatic Launches Real Time Property Risk Inspection Tool
Video based property risk inspection tool allows realtime access to data, photo and information for better risk assessment.
MiO Property by Artivatic is flagship tool for property risk inspection. This tool allows assessor and field agent to have seamless communication, streaming, data sharing, connecting with existing engine to provide instant risk and quote.
This tool can be accessed via browser in any kind of device without downloading of any application.
Risk Inspection Tool : MiO Property
An end to end risk inspection system that connects with multiple systems via way of APIs and consists of following functionalizes to reduce inspection time, improve efficiency and optimizing work process:
Some of the functions of the tool are:
•Video Live Streaming
•Image Capture & Tagging
•Invite & Connect
•Web & Mobile Responsiveness systems
•Forms, Geo-tagging, and questions
•Rules & Risk Reports [ After Integrating with Backend rules of client]
•Instant Quote and Reports [ After Integrating with Backend rues of client]
•Historical Data Collection for video/images
•AI Based automated property inspection & quote generation [WIP]
•Drone connected system for live video streaming and images based risk assessment & quote [WIP]
This tool allows you:
Reduce cost
Improve efficiency
Live Streaming of data
Reduce time
Reduce Fraud
Historical Learning and record analysis
AI Based Automation
Looking for demo, write to contact@artivatic.ai